Asia Pacific Mediation Forum (APMF)
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APEC Haus | Port Moresby | Papua New Guinea
19 - 21 August 2024
Please click links below for more information and registration:
PNG Centre for Judicial Excellence attends Training-of-Trainers Workshop
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Papua New Guinea Centre for Judicial Excellence attends Training-of Trainers Workshop
The Papua New Guinea Centre for Judicial Excellence (PngCJE) and the Pacific Judicial Strengthening Initiative (PJSI) hosted a Training-of-Trainers Workshop from 4-8 March 2019 at the Grand Papua Hotel. The workshop was opened by the Executive Director, Mr John Carey, and was attended by 17 staff members of the PngCJE, Magisterial Services and National Judicial Staff Services Corporate and Registry. The workshop was facilitated by PJSI Technical Director, Dr. Livingstone Armytage AM.
PNG Hosts Regional Court Data Workshop
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Port Moresby hosts Regional Building Capacity in Managing Court Data Workshop
The Honourable Chief Justice Sir Gibbs Salika, KBE CSM OBE and the Pacific Judicial Strengthening Initiative (PJSI) hosted the Regional Building Capacity in Managing Court Data Workshop in Port Moresby from 26 to 30 November, 2018. The workshop was attended by 35 representatives from 13 participating pacific islands and their Judiciaries including the Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu.
Papua New Guinea Centre for Judicial Excellence
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The Papua New Guinea Centre for Judicial Excellence (PngCJE) was established in 2010 under a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) entered into between the Chief Justice, Chief Magistrate and the Secretary for the Department of Justice and Attorney General. Its aim is for PngCJE to deliver structured training programs for Judges, Magistrates, Court officers and other officers of the Law and Justice Sector (LJS) agencies that play a part in the Court process.
Enhancing Supreme and National Court Services
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The Judiciary is the third arm of the Government of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea. The high Courts of the Judiciary comprise the Supreme and National Courts whose core function is to hear and dispose of cases that come before them. Easy access to judicial services by the people at all levels of the community is one of the Judiciary’s main mission statements stated in the Judiciary’s Corporate Plan 2006 – 2010 and the Judiciary’s Corporate Plan 2011-2015. The Judiciary’s Corporate Plan is designed to operate within and to give effect to the governments planning priorities as set out in Vision 2050 and Medium Term Plans to bring effective service delivery to all levels of the community.